As You Like It Quick understanding
Shakespeare Explained: Quick Questions on As You Like It ACT I — SCENE I 1. Why do people find Orlando attractive? Because he is young, brave, sweet tempered, and ill treated. SCENE II 2. Are you interested in Rosalind and Celia? What Charles says of them in Scene i, lines 112-118 interests an audience at once. The naturalness of their conversation in Scene ii adds to that interest. 3. What points in Rosalind's character are brought out in Scene iii? Her ready wit in the first 42 lines; her brave, calm, womanly dignity in the next 80 lines; and her youthful high spirits in the last 25 lines. ACT II 4. What purpose does Scene i serve? It shows the banished Duke; develops his character; rouses interest in him and his fortunes. 5. Why is the last part of this act (beginning with Scene iv) so broken up? The audience must see the fugitives on their way to the Forest of Arden and must also see the life to which they are going. In order to do this the short scenes were necessary. SCENE V...